Community Participation

What you can do

There are many ways in which the local comunity can become involved in the "Bloom", even those who cannot garden.

We are continuing with your kintters, if anyone can knit Easter Baskets for us, we would be happy to supply a pattern and wool, if necessary.  These little baskets have raised a great deal of money for us over the past 15 years or so and help pay for the summer displays.

We also nned help with the feature beds and general gardening from May to October.  If you are interested in looking after one of the town features or joining in one of the work parties, who tackle bigger projects, please do get in touch with us.  We are a group of enthusiastic amateur gardeners, so anyone with horticultural knowledge would be welcome!

We aim to celebrate the beautiful gardens in Pitlochry too, we hold an open day on the first Sunday in August every year and if you would like to take part in the Secret Gardens Day, please do get in touch with Andrea on 472478.  She would be delighted to hear from you.

We also have a local garden competition, when we invite local residents and businesses to enter and win one of our unique garden trophies, made by Morag Cumming.  There are lots of different categories, so even if you only have a few containers, you can still participate, get in touch with Secretary Mary in June on 470051.

And finally, the Litter Team meet monthly at Pitlochry Festival Theatre.  Contact Roger West on 474255.

We begin our summer activities after Easter every year, so get in touch over the winter at







Pitlochry in Bloom

Pitlochry in Bloom

Flower Seller

Victorian Flower Seller - another of Morag's commissions for the Bloom in 1996, she orginally sat in the small garden opposite the Bank of Scotland, she moved to her present site between the Bank of Scotland and RBS in 2003.

Pitlochry in Bloom

Postman On Bike

The Victorian Postie on a Penny Farthing bike was made by Morag Cumming of Keltneyburn Smithy to enhance the entrance to the new industrial site and the sorting office. It was unveiled by "Queen Victoria" during the Atholl Festival in 1997.

Pitlochry in Bloom

Nanny With Pram

The Victorian Nanny & Perambulator were designed for Pitlochry in Bloom in 2000 to enhance the entrance to the Atholl Palace Hotel who hosted the Beautiful Scotland awards that year.